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Adopting a Puppy: Please adopt a puppy between the ages of 10-12 weeks and no sooner, no matter how cute the puppy is. Pups must remain with their siblings as long as possible to socially mature and learn important puppy life lessons from their litter mates.
Allergies/Inflammation of all Kinds: "Beta-Thym" provides relief without the dangerous side-effects, giving a safer alternative to reduce chronic inflammation. It is recommended by many holistic vets for inflammatory problems of all kinds.
Occurs in large to giant dog breeds with deep and/or narrow-chests. It is the filling of the stomach with air, with or without the stomach twisting. Prevention: 1) Feed a high v quality dog food, 2) Feed dog 2-3 x's day, 3) Use bottled water, not tap, 3) No food given within 1 hr. before of after exercising, 4) Learn to use a Bloat Kit
Chocolate is toxic to pets. It contains a caffeine-like substance called theobromine that can cause a potentially fatal abnormal heart rhythm.
Highly Recommend Premier's Break-Away Safety Collars to save your dogs from strangulation accidents.
Coyotes: (Mating Season Jan-Mar, Birthing Season: Mar-Jun)
Keep your dogs on a short leash; no expandables, carry a loud deterrent, (Shouts/Whistle/horn), don't run away, give direct eye contact, throw objects around them, not at them, make yourself appear bigger. (For More Info call "The Fund for Animals Wildlife Center" (760) 788-2324)
Dental Tips
Brushing a dog's teeth with a double-sided pet toothbrush & pet toothpaste daily or treat them with "Greenies", "CET Chewie's" or "Dentastix's" which contain enzymes that break down tarter. Make sure the Greenies or dental chews are the correct size for your dog's size for best results.
Ear Shaking/Ear Scratching: Beginning of possible ear infection, if not treated, could develop into ear hematoma or severe puffiness/swelling of ear lobes. Check out with Vet.
Fireworks, Thunder, Traveling?
Try www.thundershirt.com, a shirt a dog wears to automatically calm your pet. Or do what I do, go for a 20 min car ride to McDonald's, get pooch a patty and come home when all is calm.
Try giving your dog a product called Brewer's yeast with Garlic or Bravecto product.
Foods to Avoid: Alcohol beverages, candy canes, chocolate, coffee, tea, milk, mincemeat, nuts, onions, salty foods, sauces/gravies, sweet sugary foods, unbaked yeast dough, Xylitol artificial sweetener
Avoid walking or allowing you dog to roam near dried fox-tails of any kind. They can become quickly lodged into the nose and ears of your dogs, causing a hefty Vet bill.
Cats & dogs can be frightened by Halloween celebrations so it's best to keep them inside. Keep in mind that there are some people who enjoy torturing black cats on Halloween.
Holiday Food Dangers: Dark & Baker's Chocolate, Chocolate Gold Coins, Xylitol, Macadamia Nuts, Holiday Spices (Nutmeg, cinnamon), turkey stuffing & Bread dough
Joint Pain
The most important thing a pet owner can do to prevent the effects of degenerative joint disease is to keep a pet lean. Try a natural supplement called, "Advanced Cetyl M" by Response Products.
Microchipping: $15 done at the San Diego Humane Society
Pet Insurance Option
Just start a fund for your pet and put $50-$100 month away for a rainy day. Costco offers a nice pet insurance plan with "FIGO"; pick up a brochure at Costco.
Poinsettia Flowers
These flowers have a substance in the leaves that can cause irritation to the pet's mouth, gums and stomach.
Pulling Dog
Obtain a "Sensible/Sensation Harness" or "Halti" collar available on line.
Be careful when walking your dog during peak rattlesnake season in San Diego. (March thru November, 1-2 hrs. before and after sunrise & sunset) First Aid Tip: Get your dog to a Vet ASAP, know ahead of time if your Vet carries the anti snake serum. (Have your cell phone on you for all walks.)
Scooting Behind Behavior: Could be a sign of your dog's anal glands being impacted. Learn how to relieve them or take to Vet for check.
Spay/Neutering Your Pets: Please spay or neuter your pets at 12-16 weeks
Tongue Color
Pay attention to the tongue color of your dog. Should be light red to a healthy pink. Darker color could be signs of stomach or digestion issues.
If you like to venture into canyons with your best friend, home to many of our wild animals, it may be wise to vaccinate them for Leptospirosis. Its a bacterial that can be carried from the urine of wild animals. Your dog could become inquisitive of the smell on the ground, around a bush or in standing water, and catch it. More cases are popping up in San Diego and dogs having a hard time recovering.
Walking your Dog(s): Always walk your dogs in front of you; never let them walk behind you! (Coyotes & bobcat easy targets)
Allergies/Inflammation of all Kinds: "Beta-Thym" provides relief without the dangerous side-effects, giving a safer alternative to reduce chronic inflammation. It is recommended by many holistic vets for inflammatory problems of all kinds.
Occurs in large to giant dog breeds with deep and/or narrow-chests. It is the filling of the stomach with air, with or without the stomach twisting. Prevention: 1) Feed a high v quality dog food, 2) Feed dog 2-3 x's day, 3) Use bottled water, not tap, 3) No food given within 1 hr. before of after exercising, 4) Learn to use a Bloat Kit
Chocolate is toxic to pets. It contains a caffeine-like substance called theobromine that can cause a potentially fatal abnormal heart rhythm.
Highly Recommend Premier's Break-Away Safety Collars to save your dogs from strangulation accidents.
Coyotes: (Mating Season Jan-Mar, Birthing Season: Mar-Jun)
Keep your dogs on a short leash; no expandables, carry a loud deterrent, (Shouts/Whistle/horn), don't run away, give direct eye contact, throw objects around them, not at them, make yourself appear bigger. (For More Info call "The Fund for Animals Wildlife Center" (760) 788-2324)
Dental Tips
Brushing a dog's teeth with a double-sided pet toothbrush & pet toothpaste daily or treat them with "Greenies", "CET Chewie's" or "Dentastix's" which contain enzymes that break down tarter. Make sure the Greenies or dental chews are the correct size for your dog's size for best results.
Ear Shaking/Ear Scratching: Beginning of possible ear infection, if not treated, could develop into ear hematoma or severe puffiness/swelling of ear lobes. Check out with Vet.
Fireworks, Thunder, Traveling?
Try www.thundershirt.com, a shirt a dog wears to automatically calm your pet. Or do what I do, go for a 20 min car ride to McDonald's, get pooch a patty and come home when all is calm.
Try giving your dog a product called Brewer's yeast with Garlic or Bravecto product.
Foods to Avoid: Alcohol beverages, candy canes, chocolate, coffee, tea, milk, mincemeat, nuts, onions, salty foods, sauces/gravies, sweet sugary foods, unbaked yeast dough, Xylitol artificial sweetener
Avoid walking or allowing you dog to roam near dried fox-tails of any kind. They can become quickly lodged into the nose and ears of your dogs, causing a hefty Vet bill.
Cats & dogs can be frightened by Halloween celebrations so it's best to keep them inside. Keep in mind that there are some people who enjoy torturing black cats on Halloween.
Holiday Food Dangers: Dark & Baker's Chocolate, Chocolate Gold Coins, Xylitol, Macadamia Nuts, Holiday Spices (Nutmeg, cinnamon), turkey stuffing & Bread dough
Joint Pain
The most important thing a pet owner can do to prevent the effects of degenerative joint disease is to keep a pet lean. Try a natural supplement called, "Advanced Cetyl M" by Response Products.
Microchipping: $15 done at the San Diego Humane Society
Pet Insurance Option
Just start a fund for your pet and put $50-$100 month away for a rainy day. Costco offers a nice pet insurance plan with "FIGO"; pick up a brochure at Costco.
Poinsettia Flowers
These flowers have a substance in the leaves that can cause irritation to the pet's mouth, gums and stomach.
Pulling Dog
Obtain a "Sensible/Sensation Harness" or "Halti" collar available on line.
Be careful when walking your dog during peak rattlesnake season in San Diego. (March thru November, 1-2 hrs. before and after sunrise & sunset) First Aid Tip: Get your dog to a Vet ASAP, know ahead of time if your Vet carries the anti snake serum. (Have your cell phone on you for all walks.)
Scooting Behind Behavior: Could be a sign of your dog's anal glands being impacted. Learn how to relieve them or take to Vet for check.
Spay/Neutering Your Pets: Please spay or neuter your pets at 12-16 weeks
Tongue Color
Pay attention to the tongue color of your dog. Should be light red to a healthy pink. Darker color could be signs of stomach or digestion issues.
If you like to venture into canyons with your best friend, home to many of our wild animals, it may be wise to vaccinate them for Leptospirosis. Its a bacterial that can be carried from the urine of wild animals. Your dog could become inquisitive of the smell on the ground, around a bush or in standing water, and catch it. More cases are popping up in San Diego and dogs having a hard time recovering.
Walking your Dog(s): Always walk your dogs in front of you; never let them walk behind you! (Coyotes & bobcat easy targets)